It just takes one person to make a difference in a family’s life forever.
The walls of a home are more than just protection from the outside world. They are the canvases of our lives, adorned with memories and milestones. And when these walls need support, you don’t just reinforce them, you strengthen them from within.
Since 1984, we have made it our mission to ensure every family has a place to call home and the tools and stability they need to support and sustain it.
What started out with two farmhouses and five rented apartments now supports hundreds of families each year.
lives were improved last year because of Families Forward.
What started out with two farmhouses and five rented apartments now supports hundreds of families each year.
of our program graduates remained stably housed one year later.
What started out with two farmhouses and five rented apartments now supports hundreds of families each year.
urgent housing assistance requests were answered.
What started out with two farmhouses and five rented apartments now supports hundreds of families each year.
meals were provided through our food pantry.
What started out with two farmhouses and five rented apartments now supports hundreds of families each year.
food insecure families were served.
What started out with two farmhouses and five rented apartments now supports hundreds of families each year.
children received new school supplies.
What started out with two farmhouses and five rented apartments now supports hundreds of families each year.
families were provided the fixings to make a Thanksgiving meal.
What started out with two farmhouses and five rented apartments now supports hundreds of families each year.
children received gifts through our Holiday Wish program.
Families Forward tackles the pervasive issue of homelessness for families with children, improving the lives of tens of thousands of families in its history. From providing food assistance, career coaching, mental health counseling, to financial literacy education, we’re as committed to strengthening overall wellbeing as we are to ensuring everyone has a place to call home.
“Getting back on my feet meant everything to me and I don’t think I would’ve been able to do it on my own. Having a safe home is so important, and Families Forward gave me that.”
“Homelessness for us felt like there was no hope. When we stepped into Families Forward, it felt like we were home because we had people rooting for us. We cherish what we have every day because we know what it is like not to have it.”
“I wish I would have recorded the look on my kids’ faces when they stepped into their new home. Thank you for helping my family and I get out of homelessness.”