Answers to Frequent Donor Questions
1. Can I make a donation in honor of a friend or family member?
Yes! The process is simple. Just fill in the “Tribute Gift Information” section on our online donation page and we will send a card letting them know that you have made a contribution in their name. Tribute gifts are tax deductible and are perfect as a birthday, holiday, or wedding gift (check with your tax accountant for specific advice).
2. What grocery items are most needed to donate to the food pantry?
Please review the flyer of our most needed food items.
3. Can I donate my used car?
We only accept cars if client families are in need of one. These cars must have passed a smog check within the past 90 days, and they must be clean and in good physical and working condition. Please call us at (949) 552-2727 to find out if your car can be used for donation.
4. Can I donate clothing?
Unfortunately, due to space limitations, we can only accept new clothing donations during the month of December for our Holiday Wish program.
5. What household items or furniture can I donate for use in Families Forward’s homes?
We thank you for your support of Families Forward. However, at this time, we are not accepting furniture donations and household item donations due to limited resources and storage space.